warming (qi tonic) proteins

traditional chinese medicine (TCM) teaches that a person's (or animal's) natural energy requires balance that can be achieved through a variety of factors such as food. each animal protein or plant-based ingredient has an energy that can interact with your pet's natural energy. warming (Qi tonic) foods warm the body and allow the body to develop and maintain warmth.

What it is?

Qi deficiency is seen as general weakness, fatigue, exercise intolerance, poor appetite, chronic diarrhea, weight loss, shortness of breath, urinary incontinence.

What it is

How it applies?

Some warming meats are: Chicken, Pheasant, Domestic Turkey, Fish, Anchovy, Lobster, Mussels, and Shrimp There are also a few warming veggies, such as black beans, squash, and sweet potatoes.

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