apple cider vinegar

ACV is made the liquid from crushed apples, sugar, and yeast and fermented the mixture. The sugar turns to alcohol and the yeast turns into vinegar. ACV is a holy grail, it helps digestion by increasing the stomach’s acid levels, which results in better absorption, promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, is anti-bacterial and anti fungal, has anti-inflammatory properties, and also contains iron, potassium and magnesium as well as other essential vitamins and minerals! ⁣

Why we feed?

ACV is great for digestion because of the acidity. Dogs’ stomachs tend to be more acidic than humans, and dogs with digestion issues can be aided by adding a bit of ACV to every meal. ACV is antibacterial, so it can also be used to help dogs with itchy skin or ear infections!

Why we feed

How to feed?

If used for skin issues and ear infections, you can apply directly to the skin, but it's best when dilluted with some water or green tea so it doesn't irritate the skin. For feeding, feed one teaspoon to one tablespoon for every 50 pounds either in your pup’s food or fresh, filtered water. Never feed ACV by itself as it has a very sour taste and can be uncomfortable for the dog. If your dog is refusing it (even some humans refuse it for its smell and taste), you can mix it with some plain, greek yogurt! Double the beneficial bacteria!

Additional info?

Look for the “murky” bottles of ACV that say “With the Mother”. This means that the ACV has lots of strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria⁣. The majority of the time that ACV is recommended for allergies or digestive upset, it’s recommended to ONLY feed the bottles that have “With the Mother” on it!

This post is brought to you by the team at REAL DOG BOX. You can also find them at: Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

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