
Carbohydrates are the sugars, starches and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products. carbs are commonly found in kibble in order to form the pellet shapes

What it is?

Carbohydrates are used for cheap fillers and binders for kibble and inferior dog treats. Majority of kibble companies will use the carbohydrates corn, potatoes and rice as the main binder and filler of kibble as kibble cannot be formed into its shape without carbohydrates.

What it is

How it applies?

Kibble manufacturers use carbohydrates for the abundance, long shelf life, the price and how important it is in order to form kibble to its shape however NONE of these are related to nutritional benefits!

Additional info?

While sweet potato can be healthy in small amounts, the majority of carbohydrates are starchy and unnecessary to feed. Some kibble contains between 46 and 74% carbohydrates, which contributes to obesity.

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