biologically appropriate raw food (barf)

BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) is an alternative raw diet designed to provide dogs with a modified homemade diet that consists of raw meat and bones, as well as vegetables and fruit while eliminating all processed foods and grains. A complete BARF diet for dogs consists of 70% muscle meat, 10% raw edible bone, 5% liver, 5% other secreting organ, and 10% vegetables and fruit.

What it is?

One of the commonly used species-appropriate, raw feeding methods that comprises of 70% meat, 10% bone, 10% organ meat, and 10% vegetables for fiber.

What it is

How to feed?

Since dogs do not have the teeth, jaw structure, or salivary enzymes to begin the digestion process in the mouth, the veggies and fruit you feed need to be pureed, steamed, or fermented so that the nutrients are absorbed and easy to break down. Fruits, and especially vegetables, are almost impossible to break down when in their whole form so feeding them raw and whole defeats the purpose of feeding them at all.

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