Dog Grooming Products Certified Organic through the USDA National Organic Program
4-Legger is revolutionizing pet care with safe, natural grooming products for our furry family members.

I'm Melissa Boland, 4-Legger's Pack Leader.
My passion project during chemotherapy became researching ingredients and trying to figure out how I could revolutionize the pet grooming industry to make it safer.
On a notepad, we made a list of ingredients we'd never have in our shampoo.
We decided that when possible, our grooming products would be USDA Certified to Organic Standards to provide third party validation of our ingredients - from farm to bottle - so pet parents could trust when we say natural dog shampoo, it was just that!

Discover Practical Paths To
Dog Longevity
Food is the basis of wellness, but even the best diet can be outdone by toxic chemicals found in everyday dog products including shampoos, bedding, flea and tick topicals, and supplements.
FRS24 is designed to give 2.0 dog parents, veterinary professionals and aspiring wellness coaches practical and actionable tips toward dog longevity.
The Feed Real Summit. Learn how to feed real and heal naturally, and take control of your dog's wellness.
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